Friday, May 22, 2009

HOW to get better

My counselor recently shared with me three core tenets of AA: honesty, openness, and willingness to change (HOW). These are essential building blocks for overcoming anxiety disorders:
  • We must be honest with ourselves and admit that we have a mental illness.
  • We must be open to trying new behaviors, techniques, therapies, medications, and support groups.
  • And we must be willing to do hard work, challenging ourselves to confront and overcome our longstanding fears.
I was not always in a HOW state of mind. For too long I just suffered and clinged to any moment of serenity I could come by. But now I'm ready to have the "courage to make mistakes" and ready to abandon my "passion for self-distrust"(1) in order to achieve recovery and a more mentally healthy life.

1. Low AA. Mental Health Through Will-Training. Glencoe, Ill.: Willett Publishing Co.; 1997;145-9.


Kaci said...

Great post :) Thanks for sharing, I will def. keep this in mind.

Doug said...

Thanks, Kaci! Check out Dr. Low's book, too.

hope said...

thanks for sharing this! i am inspired by what you have said...